Sunday, June 29, 2014

21 Week Ultrasound

Shawn and I were lucky enough to go in for a bonus 21 week ultrasound so our doctor could get a better view of the four chambers of the heart and the lower spine.  Her heartbeat was 150+ this time around (up a good 20 bpm), and boy was she moving.  Everything looks to be in order AND we got more photos of our little love.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Week 21

We've hit the 20 week mark which means we're half way there!  I was so excited during the first trimester that the time seemed to move so slowly.  Now I can't believe we've already tackled the first part of pregnancy and will meet da widdle brioche in just 20 more weeks!

The Bump

Week 20

We've hit the 20 week mark which means we're half way there!  I was so excited during the first trimester that the time seemed to move so slowly.  Now I can't believe we've already tackled the first part of pregnancy and will meet da widdle brioche in just 20 more weeks!

The Bump

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Week 19

Week 19 was filled with so many fun things:  Our 19 week ultrasound where we found out the sex of da widdle brioche, shopping and party preparation for our gender reveal party next week, and my 32nd birthday!  

The Bump